You will have an Account Manager assigned to your account. This person will be your point of contact.

Yes, we have in-house content writers who specialize in scripting for videos.

We create Corporate Videos, Animated Videos, Explainer Videos, Case Study Videos, HR/Recruitment, Social Media Videos & Promotional Videos.

We use ‘value pricing’ to provide you with a predictable monthly or project fee based on a bundle of deliverables. Sometimes changes made that will incur a fee, but we will always discuss that change up front and make sure you understand why the change was made and how much it will be.

For content, we take 2-3 business days to submit a first draft. For video, we take 5-7 business days to submit a first draft. For 3D videos, the turnaround time could be longer, depending upon the scope of work.

Still have questions? Get in touch.


Got an upcoming video project? Need an estimate?

Simply fill in your details to book a free initial consultation call with our team.

On the call we'll share our:

  1. Initial creative ideas
  2. Process/ timings
  3. Estimated costs for your project

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